This page is a searchable archive of our annual publication "Jaarboek Kostuum" (in Dutch, with English short summaries). To order previous editions of this publication, please see this page. An index register of all editions ever published can be found here. Please be advised that all materials and communications are in Dutch.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2022
In this edition we’ll discuss regional dress from Hindeloopen, a discovery in the depot of the Kunstmuseum in The Hague, books with embroidery and lace patterns, and the ‘vlieger’ costume of the married Dutchwoman 1600-1635.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2021
In this issue (amongst other topics): the dress of female criminals at the end of the 19th century, a deep dive into Beveren lace, a discussion on the religious differences in the regional costumes of Zuid-Beveland (Zeeland) and elswhere, and a discussion of the Fashion in Colour exhibition that was shown at the Kunstmuseum in the Hague, by its curator.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2020
In this edition (amongst other topics) 17th century stockings hops in Harlingen, Kotomisi, the treatment of water damage to historical costumes and a photo-essay on the changing silhouette of the Volendam regional costume over time.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2019
In this edition (amongst others) a reconstruction of the houppelande of Maria van Gelre, a hoyk, the history of a royal dress and modern jewellery collected by the Dutch government.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2018
In this edition Dutch orphanage uniforms, the restoration of a needlepoint lace fan, slashes and pinking 1460-1660 from the tailor’s point of view and more.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2017
In this edition the hats of Queen Beatrix, 18th-century lace, Elegantia a magazine for fashion, luxury and taste for ladies and more.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2016
In this edition the Texel textile treasure, tambour embroidery, the bonnet of Erasmus and more.

Jaarboek Kostuum 2015
This edition is all about knitting. With articles about the history of knitting, fishermen’s jerseys, Beaded purses, the myth of ‘Frisian’ knitted lace and more.

Jaarboek Kostuum 1998
Klederdracht en Kleedgedrag. Het Kostuum Harer Majesteits onderdanen 1898-1998

Jaarboek Kostuum 1995
Kostuum verzamelingen in beweging. Twaalf studies over kostuumverzamelingen in Nederland en inventarisatie van het kostuumbezit in Nederlandse openbare collecties. No summaries